Terms and Conditions
A few things to mention so you can enjoy your visit...
Important information:
Bookings start on the hour and last 50 minutes. Leave 5 minutes at the end of your session to check the field is clear. Dog waste MUST be picked up- bins are provided. Do not drop litter or leave toys or uneaten treats in the field. Dogs may swallow them and become ill so please take everything home with you at the end of your session; failure to pick up dog waste, rubbish or toys will lead to the refusal of future use. If you find anything left by a previous user, please pick it up and let us know. Spot checks take place.
Please leave promptly at the end of your session; any user who overstays will be restricted from using the field in the future. Timings are critical to the smooth running of the field and ensuring the safety of all users. If you arrive late, you must still leave at the end of your allotted session.
Never climb on the fencing for any reason (such as to retrieve a ball).
Any holes dug in the field must be refilled. 
If you wish to share your slot with friends it is your responsibility to ensure that they read and agree to these Terms of Use. Please ensure that all dogs get along before bringing them to the facility and that all vaccinations have been checked by us prior to first use.
Use of the field is at your own risk
You agree that use of the field and all equipment/facilities is at your own risk and agree not to hold Sammy’s Field, its owners or staff responsible for any injury to you, your family/friends or your dog(s) arising from your use of the field and/or equipment/facilities. The field is a large outdoor space and contains areas of uneven ground which could be concealed under long grass or other vegetation, there may be rocks/stones and there could be overhanging branches from trees which may fall/have fallen. In addition, the field could contain other hazards consistent with the countryside and wildlife. Please monitor the weather forecast and assess whether it is suitable for you- we are an outdoor facility exposed to the elements; in winter the ground will be muddy and slippery, if it’s sunny it will be hot. We advise you to reschedule your appointment 24 hours in advance if necessary. Before allowing a dog to enter the field, please assess the field to check it is suitable for your visit. You agree not to let anyone else onto the field during your booking other than any friends or family members you have brought with you to enjoy walking your dog(s). By bringing anyone else to the field, or sending somebody in place of you, you agree that you take full responsibility for their safety and for ensuring that they always abide by these terms and conditions whilst using the field. You must provide the name and mobile number of anyone using the site in place of you (with your dog/s) prior to their arrival. Sessions aren't transferable- you cannot give your slot to someone else and their dog/s as they may not have had an introductory session where vaccinations etc are checked.
You are liable for any damage caused inside and outside of the field and or car park by you, your dog(s) or any person in your party. You confirm that you carry third party insurance cover for any damage or injury caused by you or your dog(s) to the fencing or to persons (this is normally part of your pet insurance policy).
You confirm that you have appropriate pet insurance in place to cover your dog(s) use of the field.
The fencing
Although we have made every effort to secure the field and we will be inspecting and maintaining the fence regularly, holes or other damage to the fence may occur from time to time due to several reasons including digging by dogs or other animals, falling trees or branches, and general wear and tear. If you become aware of any issue with the state of the fence, please let us know immediately so that we can make other users aware and so that we can fix it as soon as possible. We cannot, however, take any responsibility for any dog escaping the field whether this is through a defect in the fence, and regardless of whether we have notified you in advance or not.
Dogs must be up to date with vaccinations or titer tested and regularly treated for flea, tick and worm prevention. The kennel cough vaccine is advisable but not obligatory. If titer testing we also recommend the leptospirosis vaccination. We are aware of instances where the leptospirosis vaccination is not suitable for some dogs and it is medically advised that is should not be administered (eg the dog has had a previous, serious reaction which is dangerous to their health). We strongly advise your dog to have the leptospirosis vaccination, however if you are not vaccinating your dog against leptospirosis this must be made clear and discussed before booking. If you choose to use the field with a dog who is not vaccinated against leptospirosis, you accept all the risk and cannot hold Sammy’s Field liable for any infection, disease or other ill health that your dog experiences. Proof of vaccinations or titer tests must be emailed in advance or ent via WhatsApp.
Once vaccinations have been checked for the Introductory Session, it is your responsibility to email evidence of boosters as and when your dog has required and received them. We cannot guarantee that each dog’s record is checked before subsequent bookings, but spot checks on vaccination records will take place. It is your responsibility to ensure vaccinations are kept up to date. Dogs found to not have up to date vaccinations will be refused use.
Arriving and Leaving
Park your car inside the car park and lock the gate behind you before allowing your dog to leave the car. Do not enter the car park if someone else’s car is inside, instead wait in the waiting area and do not let your dog out. If someone is in the field/car park beyond their allotted time contact us immediately on 07887934130.
Never enter the field while somebody else is in it. There is a lock to lock yourself in to prevent anyone from entering when you are inside.
Toys and Equipment
If you choose to use the toys and or equipment/facilities and pool then you do so at your own risk. Sammy's Field and it's owners cannot be held responsible for any injury that arises as a result of use. If a toy/equipment or the pool is broken please inform us ASAP. Dogs using toys, equipment, the pool and/or the ball pool must be supervised at all times to ensure their safety.
The Pool Area
You agree that use of the pool and surrounding area is at your own risk and agree not to hold Sammy’s Field, its’ owners, or staff responsible for any injury to you, your family/friends or your dog(s) arising from your use of the pool. Water poses a risk of drowning; you must watch dogs and children carefully at all times. The rockery around the pool may become slippery when wet and cause a slip or trip hazard. Please assess the suitability of the pool area for your dog/s before use. The area is fenced off to increase control over dogs’ use of the pool but the fencing is not as high as the perimeter of the field and may be jumped by a dog or a previous user may have left the gate open. You accept full responsibility for your dog/s entering the pool area. You agree to keep the gate closed at all times. Any defect in the fence or gate must be reported immediately. We cannot take responsibility for dogs entering the pool area. Toys must be tidied away. Do not throw any type of treat or food in the pool area, this may clog the filter resulting in closure of the pool. Essential maintenance of the pool may be required and the pool area ma be closed without warning. By allowing your dog to use the pool, you accept liability for all risks associated with water. A sophisticated filtration system is in place but we cannot guarantee that debris, dirt etc will not be present in the pool water.
The Ball Pool
You agree that use of the ball pool is at your own risk and agree not to hold Sammy’s Field, its’ owners, or staff responsible for any injury to you, your family/friends or your dog(s) arising from your use of the ball pool. You must assess the suitability of the ball pool area, including the balls, for your dog and only use it if you deem it appropriate. Do not allow dog(s) to chew and /or swallow the balls.
The Sensory Garden
You agree that use of the sensory garden is at your own risk and agree not to hole Sammy's Field, its' owners, or staff responsible for any injury to you, your family or friend(s) or dogs arising from use of the sensory garden.
XL Bully type dogs and banned breeds
Banned breeds, including XL Bully type dogs must strictly adhere to the following conditions of use:
i) The dog(s) is registered with the Index of Exempted Dog (IED) and copies of the life certificate can be provided if required
ii) The dog(s) has public liability insurance and a copy of this certificate can be provided if required
iii) The dog handler ratio is 1:1 and the dog is with their handler at all times
iv) The dog is neutered in line with government terms
v) The dog is micro-chipped
vi) The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled until securely locked inside the field, this does not include the car park area. The dog must be placed back on a lead and muzzled when leaving the field to enter the car park.
vii) You can remove the lead and muzzle once locked inside the field.
viii) If the household has more than one dog, the banned breed must have a handler ratio of 1:1, another handler must be present for the other dog(s). If the household has more than one banned breed, each dog must have its own handler. For example, a household with four dogs, two of which are banned breeds must have a total of 3 handlers; one for each banned breed and one for the remaining dogs.
ix) different households cannot share a session with banned breed dogs
Please respect neighbours’ privacy. Sammy’s Field is not affiliated with neighbouring farms and residential properties. Please do not enter their land.
You are welcome to bring your children to the field, but they must always be supervised, and you are responsible for making sure that they do not injure themselves or break any of these terms and conditions. Please be aware that the field has not been made child safe, and that certain elements may pose an additional hazard to children (non-child proof dog poo bins, scissors in the first aid kit, water in the paddling pool etc for example). Please do not allow children to play on the equipment. It has been designed for canine use.
Do not bring your dog to the field if they are or have been unwell in the last 48 hours. Doing so could be harmful to other dogs. If your dog is injured, we have a first aid kit onsite. If you choose to use this you cannot hold Sammy's Field or its' owners responsible for any adverse or ill effects, such as an allergic reaction to a sterile wipe.
The Cabin
Use of the facilities in the cabin is at your own risk. You agree not to hold Sammy's Field, it's owners and staff responsible for any injury that may arise to you, your dog(s) or any member of your party from use of the facilities in the cabin. A hot water boiler is provided, you must take care when using this and accept full responsibility for all risks associated with the use of hot water.
Never leave dogs unattended in the field and no dogs to be left in vehicles while you walk other dogs in the field.
If you are a professional and would like to hire the field please contact us. By booking you agree to all the terms and conditions in relation to each dog in your care.
Cancellations and Amendments
Cancellations and amendments must be made 24 hours in advance of the scheduled booking
Sammy’s Field is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We hold your personal information in order to provide you with a service. The full policy is available on our website.
By making a booking you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions currently in force.
Many thanks and enjoy your visit!