Our Story
Meet Sammy.
Back in 2001, our beautiful collie Sammy came into our lives. He was the softest, most loving dog that anyone could imagine which earnt him the nickname 'Baby'. We adored him. Yet sadly, despite his friendly and affectionate nature, Sammy had several issues which affected him. We adopted him at the age of two from a rescue centre and we quickly realised that Sammy was riddled with fear, no doubt from the abuse and neglect he had suffered which had been communicated to us. Thankfully it didn't take long for us to earn his trust and he showered us with love, but there were other much longer lasting effects. Sammy was terrified of other dogs; he would whimper and cry when he saw them and then quickly become quite aggressive. I think he thought 'attack' was the best form of defence! Walking Sammy was an absolute nightmare. Being a border collie, he had bags of energy and needed substantial exercise but allowing him the freedom to run off the lead was very risky and seldom happened. Even walks on the lead were not any easier as dogs would often approach despite my pleas with their owners. We were often met with dismissive shouts of 'don't worry they're friendly'. It was beyond stressful. Unfortunately, walking Sammy over the wonderful fourteen years we had with him didn't get any easier but somewhere like 'Sammy's Field' would have been life changing for him. So, he is the inspiration behind the field. We sincerely hope that we will be able to provide a safe environment for others to enjoy as much as I know our Sammy would have done. X